Sunday, July 19


Oh! You are also here; I thought I was the only one

Well, apparently you were wrong, look! There´s a lot of people over there

-So I walk towards them-

Hi, my name is C

Oh hi, my name is Prudence

Do you know where we are?

Nope, but I know why I’m here


Because of you

Oh, all right…

Hey C! Come over here, I want to show you something


What is that?

It says here it is called “secret” and to be honest I don´t get it

Humm…let me see…oh, look! There is something inside of it

Yeah…you´re right…let´s find something to open it

Wait…there is some kind of keyhole but it´s too blurry

There must be a key master somewhere in this place

By the way, where the hell are we?

Hahaha…I have no idea, but I feel quite absent

Oh, there he is!

Sir, do you have something that can open that “secret” thing?

Yeah, of course…but you have to try it many times…

Can you be more specific?

I can´t, it´s up to you guys

Ok, how much?

Each one is ****

Each key?

I didn’t say they were keys

So, if they´re not keys, what are they

It is called “alcohol”

All right…give me alcohol

Hey C, where is Prudence?

I don´t know, but something tells me she´s gone.

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