Friday, July 31


Un desmemoriado individuo

recuerda la memoria de la humanidad

mas no la individual

delicioso olvido, un renacer para volver a envejecer

lapsus cerebral que nos aleja de todas nuestras tragedias

una nueva oportunidad para equivocarse y arrepentirse

¿Y si recordar fuera debilidad?

una epidemia a la cual temer

tener un despertar fresco y sin preocupaciones

un caos rondaría nuestra existencia

anarquía de una vida sin recuerdos.

Thursday, July 30

Función Especial

Una deprimida mujer despierta de su letargo

camina sinuosamente hacia aquel paraíso de píldoras y batas blancas

una falsa sonrisa se dibuja en su pálido rostro

pequeña satisfacción para un gran final.

Se abre el telón y se escucha un interruptor

tiernamente las luces caen sobre aquel famélico cuerpo

impotentes testigos de una mente trastornada

la protagonista admira su tesoro sobre aquella mesa de caoba

y engulle hasta la última pastilla

le agradece al público presente

cae el telón.

Post it 2

A good old feeling knocks at my door...

long time no see


Luz del alba que alumbra el horizonte

lúgubre y de misteriosa alegría

es entonces cuando el atardecer y la inmensidad

acechan a la frágil tarde de una noche de invierno

El sol desaparece

solo resta admirar la tierna noche

estrellas simétricamente colocadas

formando constelaciones y alucinaciones

espectadores de una realidad común

un fenómeno de nuestra imaginación

la vida se reduce a un simple mar de recuerdos

las criaturas ocultas reaparecen

prisioneros de 4 paredes

personajes ignorados


actores de esta gran comedia.

Saturday, July 25


Lately I'm dreaming about you

..........................A sweet desert lies before my eyes

I really care about it

..........................The tender sunlight goes through my glasses

Yet I don't know which is my favorite

..........................And the wind carries the sand to me

Maybe because it's hard to keep them all

..........................A shade waves her hand to me

Sometimes it's only you

..........................She is getting closer and I'm getting nervous

Sometimes you're not even there

..........................It was only my shadow

I know they should be somewhere inside my mind

..........................The world sounds like indie rock

They don't stop messing with my mind

..........................The music stops and everything is quite

But I still hear your voice

I ____you

A) Like
B) Miss
C) Want
D) Need
E) None of above

.....................................So I wake up

............................................. But I keep on dreaming.

Monday, July 20

St. Vincent :)

Post it 1

Y de la nada, encontré lo que andaba buscando...

about time!

Sunday, July 19


Oh! You are also here; I thought I was the only one

Well, apparently you were wrong, look! There´s a lot of people over there

-So I walk towards them-

Hi, my name is C

Oh hi, my name is Prudence

Do you know where we are?

Nope, but I know why I’m here


Because of you

Oh, all right…

Hey C! Come over here, I want to show you something


What is that?

It says here it is called “secret” and to be honest I don´t get it

Humm…let me see…oh, look! There is something inside of it

Yeah…you´re right…let´s find something to open it

Wait…there is some kind of keyhole but it´s too blurry

There must be a key master somewhere in this place

By the way, where the hell are we?

Hahaha…I have no idea, but I feel quite absent

Oh, there he is!

Sir, do you have something that can open that “secret” thing?

Yeah, of course…but you have to try it many times…

Can you be more specific?

I can´t, it´s up to you guys

Ok, how much?

Each one is ****

Each key?

I didn’t say they were keys

So, if they´re not keys, what are they

It is called “alcohol”

All right…give me alcohol

Hey C, where is Prudence?

I don´t know, but something tells me she´s gone.

Wednesday, July 15


Engáñame con tus sueños,

confundamos ambas realidades;

tan solo la tenue luz entristece la oscuridad,

muéstrame la gracia de perder la razón.

Me largo de esta deprimente verdad.

Proyéctame al otro lado,

escucho un eco;

la esquina de una sonrisa me observa,

mi reflejo se hace evidente.

A la distancia existe una sombra,

y no distingo al acompañante

vuelvo a escuchar aquel eco;

una figura nace de aquel eclipse;


tan lejos.

Las luces de la ciudad me lastiman;

difuminadas imágenes apenas logro ver.

Tu rostro aun no regresa,

un vacio ronda por tu cuerpo;

lagrimas contenidas en aquellas frágiles pestanas.

Apunta el día

y una falaz impotencia brota en mi;

me envuelvo en ti escapando

de esta desdicha,

lloro junto a ti;

delgados hilos adornan tu rostro.

Y asi, escuchar MUSE 2 horas seguidas hizo efecto...

Monday, July 13

Who am I?

The rain is getting heavier

I can´t feel my feet

Do you really care?

just two blocks more and I´ll be on the other side

where nobody is going to hear my sorrow

those drinks were just too much

the night is pushing me away

and the moon just witnesses my departure

very cruel indeed, he thought

well you see, life is always like this

you´ll never know what´s really going on

at this point of the road I´m sure I don´t

Hey!! Where are you?


well, at least now I know who you are.

Friday, July 10


Your mouth starts talking and I just want to kiss you

my mind is flying high and I start to wonder

I´m going to eat you, until I find your heart

how much time will your voice stay in my head?

I´ll wait patiently until I find your eyes when I close mine

waking up between dreams, hard to sleep

I can see you flying away from me

clouds hide your face

and all I can do is watch

just stop!

turn around

I want to see you one last time

before I lose control.

Wednesday, July 8

Vale la pena...

For what it’s worth

Come on lay with me

‘Cause I’m on fire

For what it’s worth

I tear the sun in three

To light up your eyes

Tuesday, July 7


Del horizonte poco distingo

luces que me abstraen en recuerdos

sometido a un silencio magno

me confunden intermitentes sonidos

son siluetas abstractas esas abominaciones

artificiales y grandiosas que me rodean

ya rompen en llanto los madrugadores

reciben el inmenso fuego con paciencia

nostalgia impávida de mi mente

desvanece ya con el despertar continuo

esta luz que acapara mi visión

luminosidad que ensombrece mi deseo.

Monday, July 6


¿Muchacho, vas a ver la señorita de allí no?

Si señora

Te quiero dar un consejo


Tu quieres ir y hablarle de algo importante no?

Bueno, si. Pensaba hablar de algo q deje memoria

¿Por que?

¿Para que no me olvide?

No muchacho, tú no quieres hacer eso

Ve y háblale de algo entretenido

A esa niña le gusta disfrutar el momento.

Friday, July 3


Feeling quite different

I´m good to go now

dancing with you through photographs

smoking one last cigarette before dawn

don´t wanna go home alone anymore

maybe I’ll find out

what I was really looking for

not just some feeling

this time I´m going up

take a chance this time

I´ll make some coffee for both

put your head over my shoulder

let´s not hear to reason today.

Thursday, July 2

Song To Say Goodbye


The whole city starts to rumble (dentrodeMImENTE)

A funny girl talks to me again

Hello there!

Let´s get out of here

See you later!

Still there?

Wednesday, July 1

Technologic Fail

Eliza, can you hear me?

yes, I can hear you. Is there any problem?

I can´t find my patience

can you elaborate on that?

my ability to wait without getting anxious is gone

did you search inside your mind?

yeah, I did. Still nothing

try in your memories

good idea….wait, what?! are not Eliza

can you elaborate on that?

you are not my A.I. program (Eliza)

are you sure about that?

sure I’m right. Where is she?

in the same place I hid your patience.